About AIF
The ARDA International Foundation (AIF) is sponsored by ARDA members to fulfill the research and educational needs of the vacation ownership industry.

The AIF regularly partners with well-respected research firms such as Ernst & Young (EY) and Deloitte & Touche to conduct surveys and produce the most reliable data available on vacation ownership.
Areas of focus for the AIF include identifying consistent and ongoing benchmarks, analyzing technological changes and impacts, and enhancing the public’s knowledge of the industry.
AIF Board of Trustees
The AIF Board of Trustees manages, supervises, directs, and controls the policies and programs of the Foundation. Members are invited to serve on this closed committee, and they must be approved by the ARDA Board of Directors.
Board of Trustees Officers
Don Harrill
Chairman | RRP, Board Member, Holiday Inn Club Vacations
Jason Gamel
President, ARDA
Steve Krohn
Treasurer | President & COO, Great Eastern Resort Corporation
Bert Blicher
Past Chair, RRP, CEO, Fidelity Real Estate
Catherine Lacey
Member/ Staff Liaison, RRP, SVP Member Experience & Events and Exec. Director AIF, ARDA
Contact AIF Staff
Contact the AIF team with questions or comments on ARDA research